Gastro-Jejunal (GJ) Tube

GJ tubes are a long-term option that combines a G tube with a J tube for more flexibility based on a person’s needs.

A GJ tube goes through the abdomen and ends up in two different places: the stomach for medicine and ventilation, and the small intestine (jejunum) for feeding. Like G and J tubes, GJ tubes use a water-filled balloon to help the tube stay put in the stomach.

Because it leads to multiple places, a GJ tube has multiple ports on the outside:

  • One for the stomach [to administer medication or to vent (venting helps get rid of extra air or food)]
  • One for the small intestine (to feed)
  • One for the balloon (to add or take away water to help prevent dislodgement)

GJ tubes can serve as either a regular standard- length tube (“dangler”) or a low-profile, button tube and like J tubes, GJ tubes require a surgical procedure for placement and cannot be replaced at home.

What Does a GJ-Tube Look Like?

Click image to enlarge.
Click image to enlarge.


This low-profile tube, sometimes called a “button,” uses an extension set that can be detached when not in use that allows it to be easily hidden under clothing.

MIC* GJ Tube

This is a standard-length tube, sometimes called a “dangler.”

MIC-KEY* Continuous Extension Set

The extension set attaches to any MIC-KEY* feeding tube when nutrition, fluids, or medication needs to be given. Continuous sets are used when feeding small amounts constantly throughout the day (or night) without interruption.


MIC-KEY* GJ-Tube Videos

MIC-KEY* GJ Tube Maintenance and Stoma Care

MIC-KEY* GJ Balloon Maintenance

MIC-KEY* GJ-Tube Videos

MIC* GJ Tube Maintenance and Stoma Care

MIC* GJ Balloon Maintenance


MIC-KEY* GJ-Tube Guides & Booklets

MIC-KEY* GJ Quick Start Guide

MIC-KEY* GJ Quick Start Guide

Download PDF

Instructions for Use

To ensure you always have the most current information regarding your specific product, please visit our Instructions for Use website. When you arrive at the site, scroll down to view the easy-to-follow instructions and have your product part # (the REF# on your product label) ready to enter in the search box.

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